Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Curriculum Content
  3. Science


Here you will find everything to do with Science in our school.


Look out for some pictures from your child's Science lesson from across the school. 

Spring term 

This half term Year 3 are finding out all about rocks and where the different varieties come from. We are looking at volcanoes too, so creating cross curricular links with Geography. 

See more images of Mount Etna

Year 5 are learning about the different properties of materials, while Year 6 are finding out about electricity and how circuits are made. Image result for electic circuits

Look out for Year 2 who are discovering what plants need to grow; Can you name 3 things plants need? 

Image result for what do plants need to grow  Did you get the right answer!

Autumn term

This week, Year 3 have begun looking at skeletons and over the next few weeks we will be looking at how animals, including humans grow and reproduce. While Year 1 have been looking at where animals live.

Last half term in Science Year 3 were learning about how important nutrition is to keeping us healthy. We looked at how food is made up of the 5 main food groups and in tandem with Design and technology we made a fruit crumble using fruit grown in our school garden and also made a vegetable tart using food that is grown in this country, minimizing air miles. Look out for pictures of our work coming soon 

Here are some websites that you and your children might like to go on to explore science and have fun too.

Have fun and why not send pictures of you doing these experiments in to me at 

 Learning in EYFS Science.pdfDownload
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 Timetable of topics.docxDownload
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