Look at us learning
What a busy week! We have been making gingerbread men in the playdough. Charlie Bear and the Gingerbread Man are missing so we made some posters to try to find them. We worked together to build houses with Miss Vos. In Maths we made patterns with natural materials. We also celebrated World Book Day! Symphony and Rowen won prizes for their outfits and Carter won for his Jacket Portraito. Year 6 came to read stories to us too.
We have enjoyed reading more Fairy Tales and retelling the stories using puppets. In Maths we have been adding two sets of objects and investigating shape. We made a lovely heart for our families for Valentine's Day!
What a busy week, we have been enjoying sharing lots of Fairy Tales. We have been writing sentences, invitations and cards. We have been reading and matching words and pictures and reading tricky words. In Maths we have been investigating shapes. We have also been very creative making pictures and models. We have also had lots of fun using technology.
We have had a super week celebrating Chinese New Year. We have also been making super models on our own and with our friends.
We have been practising throwing and catching a ball with a partner. We have been investigating old and new toys! In Maths we have been making tangrams. Archer, Carter and Nico made birdfeeders at home for the Eco Council challenge.
We have been investigating zero in Maths! We are also comparing old and new toys. Mrs Valentine brought her Dolly Darlings to show us. She has had them for more than 50 years and has looked after them really well! We have had fun outside building together!
Happy New Year! The children were very excited to have snow this week! We have even painted our own snowman pictures and sorted socks! In maths we have been investigating shape.
This week we have had our party and really enjoyed our Christmas dinner too! Santa came and brought us all a present!
We are getting ready for Christmas! Jack the Elf has been visiting us each day and we have been showing him how to be good and kind!
We had lots of fun in the snow this week! We have also been investigating shape in Maths with Mrs monks and Mrs Harper.
This week is Nursery Rhyme Week! We have been performing Nursery Rhymes at home and school. We made some fantastic junk models. Can you spot Humpty Dumpty and Incy Wincy spider?
We celebrated Diwali with Sriindira and Krishvin. In Maths we have been investigating shape and the number five. We worked in a team to build large constructions.
This week we painted our pots! We have been investigating shape in Maths. We have also been enjoying Room on the Broom and making spells with snakes, frogs, spiders etc.
We had an amazing time making our own clay pots with Alistair!
We followed instructions to make jam sandwiches! We have also had lots of fun outside: building and playing in our Milk shop. In Maths we have been comparing sets of objects and learning the days of the week through The Very Hungry Caterpillar story.
We have been retelling the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. In Maths we have been sequencing the day from morning to night-time. We have doing Busy Fingers activities. We have had lots of fun looking for signs of Autumn. It was Oscar the Owl's birthday on Thursday and we made cards and had a party.
Another busy week! We have been working as a team to build a bed. This week it was Charlie Bear's birthday, so we made cards and had a party in the home corner. We have painted self portraits. In Maths we have been comparing night and day with Mrs Monks. Our parents and grandparents came into school to read stories with us!
We have been very busy! We love being outside! We learnt how to play handball with Andy, the Sports coach! This week it was Bumble the Bee's birthday and we made cards for him!
We have begun to settle well into our new class! We are having fun with our friends and enjoying lots of new activities.
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