Look at us learning
During the year you will be able to see what we are doing in class, as well as what children do independently at home.
Over the past five weeks Beth has been teaching us dances, with music from all over the world. Have a look below at our performance. Well done everyone, you really enjoyed these lessons.
Congratulations Year 3 , this week because you all came to school, we won Ali the Attendance Alligator. Keep coming to school so we can win him again!
Over the last couple of weeks we have been creating a volcano , as part of our Geography topic. Look out for pictures of it erupting next week.
In Music, we have used percussion instruments to perform rhythms.
Our English unit is non-chronological reports. Today we performed a group presentation using information about Blackpool.
In Geography, we have been looking at maps and exploring the landmarks of London. We have drawn and labelled our own simple maps.
In English, we have been matching the sub headings to the information to help us understand how we can organise non-chronological reports.
We had a brilliant time with Beth today , learning to dance. Watch us perform below.
In Art, we have looked at a colour wheel and learnt about the primary and secondary colours.
This week in Science we drew and labelled our own skeleton. On Friday one of the children suggested we do one of the experiments from a Science book. We decided on trying to make a rainbow using skittles, it worked really well. Why not try to do the same experiment at home.
In Music, we have created a class composition and then had a go at creating our own compositions too.
In Geography, we have learnt the OS symbols to help with map reading.
In PE, we have used the apparatus to practice travelling, balancing and jumping.
In Art, we have been looking at landscapes and have created our own using chalk.
In Science we have been learning about the skeleton. We have created our own, in readiness for Halloween. Look at our class window next time you come to school , don't be scared!!!
Mrs Gilmour came to talk to the class about how Clayton Brook has changed - linked to our History topic. We learnt that the first houses were built around 1975, there were only a few, it was mainly fields. She also told us how our school has changed over the years too.
This week we have been learning about skeletons and how each one is connected. We even made our own skeleton.
We also heard from Sriindira who has been telling us all about the festival of Divali which is celebrated by people in the Hindu faith. She brought a beautiful dress in for us to see what they wear for the celebrations.
Design and Technology - This half term we have been looking at how food is important for our bodies and how we can purchase food grown in our own country, to eliminate air miles and help the environment. We tasted different foods and made a seasonal crumble, with apples from the school apple tree, as well as a seasonal vegetable tart where all the food was grown in this country. We finally made a container that would be suitable for the tart if we sold them.
Have a look at the picture below.
PE - This half term we have been working on team work while playing different games. As an end of unit session, we had to work as a team to create dens. We had to work out how to create a den using the den kits we were given, all by ourselves; as it was raining we did it in the hall, but next time hopefully we will be able to make a den outside. Have a look at the pictures below.
Why don't you try and make a den over the holidays! Happy building
As part of our theme week, we learnt something new and really enjoyed making a sculpture using clay.
This week is our theme week linked to Learning to Learn. In Art, we have looked at the art work of Stephen Wiltshire and worked with a friend to produce our own version. We each had one half and then we put them together to make a joint picture - we added colour using chalk.
Today we had fun cooking our autumn tart. We choose to use sweet potatoes, mushrooms, peppers and onions, topped with mozzarella cheese. All of the food including the pastry had zero air miles except for the cheese. Remember to ask your child/children if they enjoyed it. We will be eating it for break tomorrow. The children learnt how to use a sharp knife safely and why we should have a colorful array of foods in our diet.
Today we have had a lot of fun learning to play 'Handball'. Did you know it is an Olympic sport?
We all really enjoyed it, the weather was kind to us too!
In Art, we have looked at some sculptures by Claes Oldenburg and used different media to draw them.
In History, we have compared old and new maps of Clayton Brook to see what has changed.
In Music, we have learnt the song Let Your Spirit Fly and are now practicing playing the glockenspiels ready for a performance.
We are learning the meaning of musical vocabulary to help us appraise music.
We enjoy warming up our voices in Music too.
Here are a couple of websites that we use in class. They are all free and do not require login details other than the ones your child has been given from school.
Hit the button (Maths for all levels) www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Maths games - www.topmarks.co.uk
TTRS (Maths) Login details from class teacher
Wordwall ( English , lots of grammar games) https://wordwall.net/en-gb/community/english/game
English games - www.gamestolearnenglish.com