Year 3 Homework
Here is where the homework will be every week.
Welcome back after the Christmas break. We hope you had a lovely time. Please make sure you ask your child for their homework sheet or you can find it below.
Half Term Homework
Please check your child's bag for their homework. If they have left it at school you can access it below.
They need to find out information about an adult in their family and fill in the sheet and bring into school on Tuesday 29th October as they need it for their English lesson.
Name | |
Half term biography.docx | Download |
Here are some web site links for you to use with your child/ren
They cover lots of subjects and we often use them in the classroom. You do need to register for this site, but it is free.
TTRS - Practicing timetables
Here is where you will find your child's homework each week.